When tools clash, projects crash—find your workflow fix

Different tools & workflows don’t just confuse—they slow progress and hurt code quality. Standardize to boost efficiency and teamwork.
Over 30M devs love GitKraken.

Standardization can be a win-win. Give devs the flexibility
they crave and teams the structure they need.

Unified DevEx

A platform that meets you where you are and where you code

Cross-OS consistency

Get the same experience across any OS: Mac, Windows, Linux

Visualize Git where you code

Rich insights and code history directly in your IDE
Sync up your coding world with the GitKraken DevEx Platform
Dive in for a seamless coding experience with any tool. Work effortlessly across desktop, IDE, command line, or browser. Our platform connects all your environments, making sure every developer is on the same page, boosting teamwork and standardization.
Unify your development with GitKraken Desktop
GitKraken Desktop is your coding command center, available on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Its intuitive interface offers a consistent experience for every team member, fostering productivity and standardization across different operating systems.
Visualize and manage your Git with GitLens for VS Code
GitLens supercharges VS Code with powerful visualizations directly within your IDE. Track changes and understand code history easily. It’s more than just a tool; it’s your gateway to a clearer and more connected coding process, aiding standardization across teams.
Unify your teams and workflows across every environment: IDE, desktop, terminal, and browser.
Discover key tools within the GitKraken DevEx platform designed to help you enable a connected and cohesive developer experience no matter where you are or where you code.
GitKraken DevEx Platform
Jump into coding workflows with any tool. Get the flexibility to choose between desktop, IDE, command line, or browser. Every environment is synced to improve standardization and teamwork.
GitKraken Desktop
Optimize your code review and collaboration with GitKraken Desktop, enhancing your workflow with features like Launchpad, Cloud Patches, and Code Suggest.
GitLens for VS Code
Elevate your VS Code experience with GitLens. Tap into powerful insights and controls right where you code, making every review smarter and faster.

Navigate your dev environments like a pro: watch our on-demand workshop


Learn how to track all your repos from a single web browser, cutting down on the need to flip through various tools.

Explore how to glide between GitHub, GitLab, Azure, and GitKraken applications without losing your workflow rhythm.

See how consolidating your pull requests and issues in one view can make tracking and managing them simpler and more direct.

Explore related problems

Cut the Onboarding Drag

New devs should hit the ground running, not get bogged down. Speed up the ramp-up with essential tools.

Managing Multiple Repos

Juggling multiple repos shouldn’t be a drag. Get a grip on synchronization, clarity, and ownership.

PR & Code Review Friction

Tackle delays and complexity in your PR and code reviews. Find out how to make reviews quicker and less painful.

See what the GitKraken DevEx platform can do for you

Join millions of developers who trust GitKraken to make their coding simpler, faster, and more efficient.