The most trusted, feature-rich GitHub Jira integration

Give planners and team leads the tools to see the future, and leave devs alone

The only Jira app that lets you see Git activity across projects, epics, and sprints at one time

More than 11,000 companies plan and deliver better
with Git Integration for Jira

Empower Jira users to identify risks, uncover trends, and adapt plans

Quickly identify what issues are at risk

Are you relying purely on issue status or opening multiple issues to get an idea of what’s going on? Use an expansive list of filters to get a single page view of the issues that matter to you. Easily spot issues that don’t have the expected development activity (commits, PRs), and adapt before deadlines are missed.

Know what the team is focused on

Filter by Jira assignee or contributor (issues that users have touched but aren’t assigned to) to easily see what they’re working on vs. what they should be working on. Useful for identifying unplanned work (e.g. bug fixes outside of plan) and great for standups.

Get a summary of daily activity

Want to quickly see what changed on an issue without clicking into it? Daily heatmaps show changes to issue status, comments, commits, PRs, and more. See how open PRs and how long PRs take to get merged.

Not just for planners

Developers can use the view to see what’s assigned to them and other issues they’ve contributed to. Perfect for seeing what’s on their plate and where they should place their focus.

With Team Insights for Jira I press a couple of buttons and get the data I need in 30 minutes – instead of spending an entire day

Kyle Fransham | VP, Research and Development at Superna

Team Insights for Jira


The first, and only, Jira App that lets you see Git activity across all of your projects and issues. And it’s free.

Integration Control and Customization

A collection of default settings, preferences, and integration options enables you to make the integration work for how your team and organization.

Issue View

View commits, branches, PRs, tags, builds, and deployments from Jira issues. Get a timeline of the issues’ history and a summary of development activity.

Create Branch/PR, Code Diff, Deep Links

For developers that find themselves in Jira, they can quickly perform tasks without losing context and get back to their tools of choice.

Multi-Issue Development Views

The Timeline Activity View, Git Commits Page, and Repository Browser pages all show development activity across multiple issues – saving you time and helping you track if work is going according to plan.

The Git Integration for Jira family​

Git Integration for Jira

The core app to bring git repository activity into Jira views.

Adds activity timeline planning view. 

CI/CD for Jira

Adds build and deployment information.