Git Blog

Releasing the Power of Git

Axosoft GitKraken V1.0

Learn about the new features in Axosoft GitKraken, the Git client for Windows, Mac & Linux. Lots of features & fixes since our last V0.6 article!

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GitKraken V0.6

It’s time for everyone to have TOTAL CONTROL over their repos, so now, with version 0.6 we are in OPEN BETA! Here’s what’s new in v0.6.

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Women in Tech Interview Series

In this Women in Tech interview, read Amy Ayres’ story of entering and excelling in software development–a male dominated field. Then, register for a free webinar about hiring & retaining talented women in tech!

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Working on NodeGit

Working on NodeGit to git a good, cross-platform option to developers. Learn how devs at Axosoft have taken their latest 30-day project to the next level!

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